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Writer's picture Kimberly Atkins

Providing Choices

Providing choices is a great way to model and expand upon your child's language skills. Offering choices is when you give your child two options while providing a visual for each item. This allows your child to respond by selecting an item through the use of gestures, sounds, or words. After, you repeat the name of the item chosen.

Sounds easy, right? Well it is! First, pick two items to offer your child whether that be a toy, clothing item, food, etc.. Make sure you are okay with either choice your child makes. Do not offer them a cookie or broccoli and then get upset when the cookie is chosen. Then, ask do you want “X” or “Y”. After the child responds, repeat the item name (e.g. you get X).

There are many reasons why offering choices is beneficial for language growth.

•Offering choices allows a child to respond using their expressive language skills, instead of responding to yes/no questions.

•Offering choices provides a model, which can help a child recall a vocabulary word.

•Offering choices provides the adult with opportunity to model target vocabulary.

•Offering choices gives your child a sense of independence as he/she is able to make a decision, opposed to being told what to do/say/use.

Below is a simple example to help demonstrate this technique:

Select two toys you are okay with your child playing. For this example, we will use play-dough and a puzzle. Hold each item up near your face. Ask your child, “do you want play-dough or a puzzle?” Shake the item as you name it, or move the item closer to your child to reinforce the understanding of each item. Wait for your child to respond. Once he/she responds reply “Okay, you chose the puzzle. I love puzzles. Great choice!”

If your child points to the item, but is able to use words, encourage the naming of the item. “I see you want the puzzle. Let’s try it together- puzzle!”

You can use this strategy throughout the day in a variety of contexts such as mealtime, getting dressed, cleaning up, and bath time. How will you use this strategy with your little ones this week?

Talk soon, Kim

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